Saturday, 26 October 2013

Day 47 From Campagno-di-Roma to La-Storta 24.4 km

Saturday 26th October  day 47
Only 41 km to Rome this morning as we set off! An up and down hills day, with a river crossing thrown in!

The usual breaky of caffe doppio and brioche at the B&B then ready to head off at 8am
It's a lovely walk this morning, through rural lane ways and parks - amazing considering we're so close to Rome
Unfortunately there's so much rubbish thrown around!
we meet up with a few horsey friends!

The sunshine is gorgeous through the trees.

We arrive at Formello at 10:30 am, beautiful sunny day! 23 deg, perfect walking temperature. So far, for the first 9 km my feet, hips and back are feeling OK. Maybe I just needed a good sleep on a proper mattress?
As we enter the old town of Formello, we find a busy bar to stop for a break.
It looks as though there are no further places to stop on the way to La Storta - we forgot to buy picnic supplies... oops, at least we have some dried fruit and almonds, we always carry an emergency supply!
Patricks hat repair strategy of taping it together has stopped working, the tape won't stick any more, so finally he decides he should take up my suggestion and sew it up, I have a sewing kit in my bag.

The way marking is not good after Formello, particularly around the farm tracks and fields, our GPS comes in handy.
past remote controlled aero club
over the large stepping stones of "potentially dangerous creek crossing" slippery, and it could be very dangerous if completely covered with water after lots of rain.
We arrive at our accommodation La Storta 3:30 pm after a few kilometers walking - slogging up a hill next to a fairly busy road.
The large gated complex where accommodation is located 
La Storta isn't a very inspiring place, quite dirty, lots of traffic and nothing much to see.
Roma tomorrow! 

Our accommodation Tonight;


Address: Via Baccarica, 5 - The Retort
Phone: 06 30890495 - 335 274645
Type: Religious Structure
Open all year
Price: 12 €
Number of places: 35.
Use of kitchen: YES.
 50 meters after kilometer marker " 17 " on the via Cassia ( road going up left across the " IP " petrol station) 500 meters before the Vizione chapel and from the railway station

1 comment:

  1. è il tuo negozio di biciclette preferito. Specialisti in biciclette elettriche, monopattini elettrici e accessori per il ciclismo: Portabici Tetto, Ciclismo MTB, ecc.
    Una bicicletta elettrica è un tipo di mezzo di trasporto elettrico composto da una bicicletta alla quale è stato collegato un motore elettrico per assistere l’avanzamento della bici. L’energia viene fornita da una batteria che viene ricaricata nella rete elettrica o nel pannello solare. Il suo raggio d’azione è solitamente compreso tra i 30 e i 60 km.
    Gli monopattini elettrici sono diventati di moda ultimamente. Esteticamente, sono come i normali monopattini di tutta la vita, ma integrano una batteria e un motore che permette loro di muoversi con un meccanismo di accelerazione, disposti nel manubrio o in altre parti, come la base dei piedi.
