Tuesday 1st October Day 22 Ostello-della-Cisa to Pontremoli 24.1 km
Today we enter Tuscany!over the Cisa Pass
As we leave the lovely Ostello Cisa, there is sun shining, but still a little low cloud. We walk up a couple of km to the top of the pass by road- as we ascend, we walk into cloud again... will we experience "A walk in the Clouds part 3?"
I make a lovely discovery at the top of the Cisa Pass! A bar for our morning Caffé doppio and snack!
Very beautiful downhill, and its lovely to see clearly again!
We walk through the small villages, the autobahn in the distance to the right.
Corn drying in the sunshine,
rocky paths from the 16th century connecting the small villages. Some unique farm machinery!

We walk over 3 beautiful 16th century stone arch bridges spanning steep gullies and streams.
An image from a fairy tale, or "the Hobbit"
Pristine cascades flow under the old stone bridges
Walking along Roman roads again- much flatter and easier to walk on than the 16th century medieval stone cobbled roads.
I'm going to print out this photo of olives, and show all my olive trees at home! "olive trees, this is what it looks like to bear fruit! You should try it, or you'll end up as fire wood!" Even though my Olive trees are now 10 years old... they still haven't really fruited! The trees here are laden with growing fruit.
The first bridge into Pontremoli (emphasis on the ...tremoli part of Pontremoli, means "trembling bridge") is closed for restoration work, no worries, there are several more!
Entering the old town of Pontremoli!
The Duomo Piazza
Apparently the river can become a raging torrent!
At the door of our accommodation at the Franciscan convent !
We have a wander around old Pontremoli before dinner, fascinating old town, with watchtowers, portals, little alleyways and narrow lanes
Patrick needs another hole in his belt buckle, his pants are falling down! So he takes advantage of the services of the local shoemaker... amazing little workshop.
Dinner tonight at Potremoli - Bianca
Just wonderful fresh local produce! and being mushroom - porcini season, we chose the local options! Look at this basket of freshly picked mushrooms! a huge basket of fresh forest harvested mushrooms arrived as we had our pre dinner Campari macchiato!
Antipasti - insalate of zucchini and porcini and a mixed local plate of meats, zucchini flowers ( so scrumptious! the lightest, bubbliest crispy batter I've ever experienced!) and torte verde
local red wine - Pòllera - vendemmia 2009 fattoria Ruschi Noceti , Val Di Magra (delicious)
Then, the finale- the secondi of 4 kinds of mushrooms Cooked four different ways! All incredibly fresh and so delicious, words can't describe! Each mushroom cooked to perfection with a different texture, and flavour.
Off to bed with very satisfied happy stomachs!
Pontremoli markets Wednesdays and Saturdays...
Our accommodation tonight - Franciscan convent, Capuchin through the old town, just over the railway line, nice and handy to wander back again for Passiagata and dinner this evening!
Capuchin Convent - Pontremoli
Address: Via Cappuccini, 2 - Pontremoli
Phone: 0187 830395
Type: Hostel religious
Price: OFFER- asked for a donation of 10 Euro each
Number of places: 30
Kitchen use: YES
other alternatives
Hostel Castle Pignaro - Pontremoli
Address: Port of Parma - Pontremoli
Phone: 0187 4601211 - 0187 831439
Type: Youth Hostel
Price: 10 €
Number of places: 60
Use of kitchen: NO
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